This Is ME!
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Bout Me And Junk
Yes, this is me. It was taken like...2-3 years ago. I always look like I'm high, but here I am not. I was just in my friend's basement and we were messing with the digi camera. U like?

Just some generic thangs about me you might want to know. (I'm copying you Michy!) Bwahahaha!
1)LIVING ARRANGEMENT?:Currently at my house is the United States
2)WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW?:Mother Goose and Other Nursery Rhymes…VERY interesting book I may say, I’ve been reading it for about a month now…
3)WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD?:Its dirty looking blue…
4) FAVORITE MAGAZINE?:Play Girl…er…Teen People
5) FAVORITE SMELLS:umm..err…skittles. The fresh smell of you first opening the bag…ah…I need some skittles…
6) FAVORITE PART OF THE OPPOSITE SEX?:The way when you first start dating you are the center of their world…and when it’s the first kiss you share together they ask you before they do it…and the way they are always persistent about doing things with you ;) …awwww I need a boyfriend!
7) FAVORITE SOUND?:The sound of punk music in my ear full blast while I am head banging and jumping up and down…ahhhh
8) BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD?:1.) When you know you have a lot of guys to look out for you 2.) When you have a boyfriend and you know they care for you 3.) Do you really want to know?? coughfingerscough
9) WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD?: Getting dumped and having your recent ex drool all over your friends…
10)WHAT'S THE FIRST THING YOU THINK ABOUT WHEN YOU GET UP IN THE MORNING?: Why the hell do we need 12 years of school?! Do I work today??
11)ROLLER COASTER?: Yes, I am a thrill seeker I love love love roller coasters!!
12)HOW MANY RINGS BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE PHONE?: Hmm...whenever the person on the other line hangs up.
13)FUTURE DAUGHTERS NAME?: Cameo What happened to future son’s name?? Well, if I have a son he’s gunna be named Nico anything Italian that sounds cute I will name them…Italian all the way babay!
14)FAVORITE FOODS?:Skittle, Chocolate, ranch dressing and noodles, seafood
15)DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE??:Oh yes, I am currently attending the dreaded Driver’s Ed so I can drive legally by myself!!
16)DO YOU SLEEP WITH A STUFFED ANIMAL??: What do you consider a...stuffed animal?
17)STORMS - COOL OR SCARY?: awesome…unless they cancel your plans that night
19) WHAT TYPE WAS YOUR FIRST CAR?: I have no car, I borrow my dad’s Montero cuz I have many friends
20) IF YOU COULD MEET ONE PERSON DEAD OR ALIVE, WHO WOULD IT BE?:Shane West, Hayden Christensen or Ryan Reynolds
23) IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY JOB YOU WANTED WHAT WOULD IT BE?: I have the best job in the world…I work at SUBWAY!!...or an interior designer, whichever is funner...Subway's pretty fun though...
24) IF YOU COULD DYE YOUR HAIR ANY COLOR?:Blond cuz they usually get anything…but I like my Italian hair
25) EVER HAD FUNKEY BACON?: That's a funny quez Mich!
26) IS THE GLASS HALF EMPTY OR HALF FULL?: Depends on what kind of mood I am in…lately it has been half empty
27) WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK (S)?: Cherry Pepsi and Hy-Vee made Grape Soda
28) FAVORITE MOVIES?: 8 Mile, BASEketball, The Pest, anything so dumb its funny as hell!
29) ARE YOU A LEFTY, RIGHTY OR AMBIDEXTROUS?: righty…I can kind of write with my left hand
30) DO YOU TYPE WITH YOUR FINGERS ON THE RIGHT KEYS?: Yep, wouldn’t have it any other way
31) WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE NUMBER?: 21, that’s when you are legal to drink!
32) FAVORITE SPORT TO WATCH?: ?: none…maybe baseketball lol
33) WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? (I HAD TO PUT THAT ONE IN!): “If we were meant to pop out of bed in the morning then we would all be sleeping in toasters” “I’m as original as mass white printing paper” “If life throws you fishes, make lamb chops” (ßKassandra Jo Daley) “The worst mistake yo mamma ever made was not swallowing you “ “How bout no, yah crazy Dutch bastard” “Way to go A-hole” “Maybe we shouldn’t be doing this” “Whatever Whatever, Is that what you want?? You Hutcher!” Song chorusà “Now I’m watching wrestling, trying to be a tough guy, listening to rap metal turntables in my eyes and I can’t grow a mustache and I aint got no season pass I’ll I gots a mo-ped”

Well, my family consist of me, my 2 sisters, my half sister, my mom and my dad. That's about it! Have fun and sign my guestbook!

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